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Department News


HOD: Dr. Vinod Sugathan

Associate professor 1
Assistant professor 8
Duration UG 3 Year, PG 2 year
Students UG 390, PG 40, R.Scholars 16
Certificate Yes
Assessments Yes



The faculty of Economics was set up as a separate department on 24th July 1967, when Sree Narayana College, Sivagiri acquired the status of a degree college. Till then, Economics was taught only at Pre Degree level. With the commencement of two batches for B A Economics in 1967 itself, the total student strength was 100 and the department acquired an elevated status of accommodating maximum student for Degree course under Prof.C.N.Meenakshy. When M.A course was started in 1981, the department owned the claim for elevating the college to the status of a post graduate institution. Currently, there are two Degree Batches and one Post Graduate course in Economics.


The study of Economics is carried out with the following objectives.
1. To get a concrete awareness of the present economy
2. To equip the students to fit into the socio economic conditions of the day
3. To make them familiar with the healthy and unhealthy developments in global economy
4. To make students aware of the significance of planning in acquiring economic progress
5. To equip the students with the fundamental concepts of economic theory for their further prosperity in economic life.
The Department was elevated to the esteemed position of a Research Centre in 2006. Currently, there are 16 Research Scholars and 4 Research Guides who are associated with the Research Centre.

Succession List of HOD’s

1.Prof.C.N.Meenakshy(1967-72) was the first Head of the Department who was promoted as Principal and posted at T.K.M.M College , Nangiarkulanngara.
2. Prof.V.Jaganatha Paniker(1972-73) succeded Prof.C.N.Meenakshy as the HOD. Apart from being a good teacher, he was a well known journalist also. He was in the Editorial Board of “Kerala Kaumadi” daily in 1973 and continued till 1984. In 1984, another daily “Enadu” was started and was the managing editor. Another noteworthy contribution made by him was the publication of two books titled, “Crucification of the Unborn” and “Janakodikalkuvendi Kodishiswaranmar Bharikunnu”. He had also published a number of articles relating to socio economic problems in leading journals.
3. Prof.T.Gopalakrishnan(1973-75) was a member of the Senate and Syndicate in Kerala University. He was the State President and Secretary of AKPCTA for about 4 years.
4.Prof.V.Bhaskaran(1975-77) succeded Prof.T.Gopalakrishnan as HOD. After that he worked as the HOD in various S N Colleges. Later he was promoted as Principal and served in S N College, Nattika, Alathoor and Punalur.
5.Prof.G.Narendra Babu(1977-82) was the acting Principal of our college from 22/11/1981 to 19/11/1982. He was the member of the academic council and has two books to his credit, namely “Elements of Economic Analysis” for II year Pre-Degree and “Indian Economics” for I year Pre Degree which were recommended by the University.
6.Prof.V.R.Saraswathy(1982-83) was the HOD after Prof.Narendra Babu as he became the Principal of the College from 20/01/1982 to 29/06/1983.
7.Prof.G.Sathesan(1983-86) succeded Prof.V.R. Saraswathy as HOD.
8. Prof.Menaka Priyadarhini( 1986-88) succeded as HOD after Prof.G.Sathesan.
9.Prof.V.P.Ananthavally (1986-93)worked as HOD for eight years.
10.Prof.Thulasi Bai acted as HOD for a short period from April to July 1993.
11.Prof.K.S.Dayanandan(1993-97) succeded Prof.Thulasi Bai as HOD.
13..Prof.K.J.Satheesa Babu(1998-2001) became the HOD in 1998. He was also the PTA Secretary from 1999-2001. During his period PTA was very active and much effort had been made by him for the beautification of the college garden. He was the chairman of the MA Economics pass Board for April 2001.
14. Dr. M.Jayaprakas(2001-02) served as HOD for the period July 2001 to June 2002. He was a member of the Academic Council, Chairman UG Board of Studies in Economics, University of Kerala. He has published several articles on economic affairs in journals, newspapers and magazines. He was formerly Principal of S N College , Varkala. He was instrumental in making the PG Department of economics into a Research Centre. He is currently DCDC, University of Kerala. He is also a Research guide of the University.
16.Prof.A Jayasree(2007-08) was HOD for two years. She is currently in service and her area of specialization is Gender Budgeting.
17.Prof.Girija V L(2008-12) was the next HOD. She was the first research scholar of Research Centre, S N College,Varkala. She did Ph.D under the guidance of Dr.Jayaprakas and was awarded Ph.D in January 2013. Her area of specialization is Women Empowerment. She retired from service in 2012.
18.Dr.G.Geetha was (2012 -14) the Head of the PG and Research Department of Economics. She was awarded Ph.D in Economics in 2012 and her area of specialization is Transport Economics.
19.Dr.A.Jayasree (2014-15) was the next HOD. Her area of specialization is Gender Budgeting and she was awarded Ph.D in the year 2014. She has also published a book titled “Gender Sensitiveness of Kerala Budgets: An Analysis” based on her topic of Ph.D research.
20.Prof.B.Jayasree (2015 -16) was the next Head of the Department of Economics. Her area of interest is Informal Sector of Kerala. She teaches International Economics and Micro Economics for Post Graduate Programme in Economics.
21. Sri. Syam Raj R (2016-17) was the next Head of the Department. He teaches Micro Economics and Financial Economics for Under Graduate & Post Graduate Programme in Economics.
22. Dr. Vinod C Sugathan (2017 onwards) was the next Head of the Department.His areas of interest is tourism studies.He teaches International Economics, Macro economics in the UG and PG Programme in Economics.