TWO DAY NATIONAL SEMINAR ON BIODIVERSITY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT • Career Jawala - Career Awareness Seminar • Connect Career to Campus • Night Sky Observation Camp • Science Fiction Movie Fest • Discussion on Union Budget • INTERACT 2025 - First Circular • NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY CELEBRATIONS-2025 - DISTRICT LEVEL VIDEO MAKING COMPETITION • NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY CELEBRATIONS-2025 • Financial Empowerment Programme • Soft Skill Development Progamme • Student Empowerment Cell • Bridge Courses • Certificate Course • Two Days National Faculty Development Workshop • Invited talk on The Resilience Session: Bouncing Back from Adversity • Educational Seminar • Educational Seminar • Educational Seminar • TWO DAYS NATIONAL FACULTY DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP ON "INNOVATIONS IN ELECTROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS" • Artful Fold Challenge • Interdepartment Quiz Competition • TRENDZ SEMINAR SERIES 2024 • Certificate Course on Water Quality Analysis • TRENDZ SEMINAR SERIES 2024 Organised by Department of Zoology • TRENDZ SEMINAR SERIES 2024 Organised by Department of Chemistry • A STUDENT START-UP PROGRAMME - INDUSTRY ON CAMPUS • A STUDENT START-UP PROGRAMME - INDUSTRY ON CAMPUS • TRENDZ SEMINAR SERIES 2024 Organised by Department of Mathematics • Bulletin Board Inauguration Organised by PG Department of Commerce and Hotel Management • TRENDZ SEMINAR SERIES 2024 Organised by PG Department of Commerce and Hotel Management • TRENDZ SEMINAR SERIES 2024 organised by Department of History • TRENDZ seminar series -2024 • Orientation Programme • Department Brochure 2024 • FOUR YEAR UG DEGREE PROGRAMME IN CHEMISTRY • FYUGP Admission


1.Admission to the First Degree Programme through online centralised allotment

Online Registration and Allotment Details Based on eligibility, the candidate needs to register application online, for obtaining admission by opting multiple programmes in different colleges on a preferential basis. A maximum of 25 options shall be given in a single application. Hard copies of the online application need not be sent to the University. The marks obtained by the candidate at the Plus two/Higher Secondary Examination will be the basis of criteria for allotment/admission to the First Degree Programme. The allotment of the candidates to various programmes in colleges will be on the basis of merit following strictly the rules and regulations of the University

2.Admission-Community Quota


Application for admission must be made in the prescribed form bearing the College seal. Forms of application can be had from the College Office on payment of Rs.30 each, either directly or by money order. Those who desire to receive the form by post shall send a self addressed and sufficiently stamped envelope. The application should reach the college office on or before the stipulated date as per the University schedule. A self addressed postcard should be attached to every application.

(b)Selection of Candidate

Application provisionally selected for admission will be informed by post. The College authorities will not be responsible for delay in transmission of such intimation. The Principal reserves the right to reject any application without assigning reasons.


Application provisionally selected for admission will be asked to appear before the Principal for interview on a specified date. The SSLC (Certificate to prove age) Transfer Certificate, Conduct Certificate, a Medical Inspection Certificate and the following record (all in original) shall be produced by the applicant at the interview.
B.A/B.Sc./B.Com classes: mark lists of the Higher Secondary Examination Certificate.
MA/M.Sc. Certified and mark list, Conduct Certificate and Medical Inspection certificate shall be produced from the institution last attended.

Candidate appearing for interview must be accompanied by their guardians. The Principal reserves the right to refuse admission to any candidate who has been called for interview without assigning reasons

4. Enrollment

The candidate who is selected at the interview will be enrolled immediately on payment of the first installment of tuition fees. The students belonging to backward classes who are eligible for full fee concession shall remit the caution and Laboratory deposits on enrolment. Students who are eligible for full fee concession shall remit the caution and Laboratory deposits on enrolment. Students who complete their course of study in March may collect their Caution Deposit refund before 1 May of the same year. The unclaimed amount will be remitted to Government. Those who wish to leave the college in the first term shall remit the fees for the full term.

     No candidate after admission will be enrolled or allowed to attend any class until he/she has paid the first installment of tuition fee together with laboratory fee and other fees and Caution Money, Fees once collected will not be refunded.

     Any candidate who is found to have obtained admission using false documents will be summarily dismissed and whatever fees he has paid will be forfeited.

5. Withdrawal

A student applying for a transfer certificate shall be given the certificate only on payment of all fees or other money due or such portion thereof as the principal may seem fit to demand for the academic year in which he was enrolled. A penalty of Rs.50 will be collected from every student applying for his /her Transfer certificate after the first term of the academic year immediately following. Transfer Certificate of students who have appeared for a University Examination will be issued to them only after the publication of the results of the examinations (see last page for form of Application for Transfer Certificate).

Any student applying for any certificate must state in the application all particulars required for identification viz. full name (with initials) class in which last studied, class number, admission number, group to which he/she belongs and the year in which he/she left the college. If a reply by post is desired a self addressed stamped envelope must be enclosed.

A fee Rs. 10 will be charged for the issue of a Conduct, Course, Identification or Medical Inspection Certificate from the present students of the college.

A fee of Rs.10 each will be charged for the issue of the following:-

a). Attendance, Conduct, Course, Identification or Medical Inspection Certificate after the lapse of a term since the student left the college.
b). A certified extract from any of the college record such as a certificate of date of birth.

A fees of Rs 100 is charged for the issue of a duplicate Transfer Certificate.

Any student who leaves the college without the written permission of the Principal before completing his course will receive no certificate of character. Any student who discontinues his study in the college without paying any arrears of fees or other dues shall receive no certificate.
Caution money will be refunded only at the end of a course after clearing the dues, if any.

6. Residence of Students

1) All students who do not live with their Parents or guardians shall reside only in lodgings approved by the principal.
2) Students shall inform the college office full information regarding their residence, soon after admission.
3) Change of residence , if any, should be reported immediately to the Principal

7. The Teachers Attendance

1)Attendance will be taken daily at the beginning of each period. Absence during one period will be counted for half the day.
2) There shall be no less than 180 working days a year excluding examination days. The minimum attendance for a semester is 75% of the total working days.
3) Students are required to occupy their respective seats before the beginning of each class. They are not allowed to leave the classroom without the permission of the class teacher

8. Attendance Certificate

The grant of the certificate of attendance shall be subject to the following conditions.

a) The certificate shall not be granted unless a student has completed the course of instruction to the satisfaction of the college authorities and his progress and conduct has been satisfactory.
b) A minimum attendance of 75% of the total working days of the semester is required for the certificate. It is absolutely necessary for promotion and admission to the University Examination.
c) Students whose attendance fall below this minimum shall apply for exemption through the principal to the University. The application for exemption shall be accompanied by a Treasury receipt of Rs.100/- if the shortage is below 10 days and Rs.200 if the shortage is between 10 and 20 days. The reason for each day's absence will have to be explained. In case of absence on account of illness a medical certificate is also has to be submitted. Exemption will not be granted more than once during a semester.

N.B:- No application for exemption will be recommended by the principal unless the Principal is satisfied that the shortage of attendance was due to causes beyond the student's control. Ordinarily only long and continued illness will be accepted as a plea for shortage of attendance. Absence without leave will not be condoned under any circumstance.

9. Admission for a term making up shortage of Attendance

1. Students who are admitted for a term for making up shortage of attendance for the course which the student was undergoing should pay one-third of the tuition fees for the year together with full special fees and caution deposit at the time of admission. Only former students of the respective colleges should be admitted as term students.
2. In the case of readmitted students (Undergoing one year’s course) all fees including special fees and caution deposit due for the whole year will be collected at the time of admission which his/her name is in the rolls of the college.

Provided that a student studying in Arts and Science College and Sanskrit Colleges, for Degree or Post Graduate course, after obtaining transfer certificate from the institution is admitted to the same course of study in any other similar college, he/she shall not be called upon to pay over again in the fees already paid for the term in the college which issued the T.C. But special fees and caution deposit will have to be paid again at the new College.

10. Leave of absence

1) No student shall absent himself from a class without prior permission.
2) Except for unforeseen causes, application for leave of absence recommended by the group tutor should reach the Principal before the commencement of the morning session ( see last page for form of Application for leave)
3) A student absenting himself for ten consecutive working days shall have his name struck off the rolls and he shall be required to apply in the prescribed form for re-admission.
4) In the case of absence from any test paper, assignment or other exercise, the missed item must be answered and submitted to the teacher concerned . Otherwise the student shall not be given the attendance. He is also liable to other punishment.
5) Each student is expected to keep his own record of attendance. The list of attendance gained by students till the end of each month will be published at the beginning of the succeeding month.

11. Morning Prayer

Before the commencement of classes, every day, the “Daiva Dashakam”, written by his Holiness Sree Narayana Guru, is played in the public address system. Staff and students should stand in reverential silence during the invocation.

12. General discipline

1.Students are expected to be clean and properly dressed in the classes and also at any meeting or gathering within the college premises.
2. Students should always wear their identity card when inside the campus.
3. Politics is banned within the campus
4. At the first bell before each session , students should move towards their respective classes and take their seats. When the teacher enters all shall arise and remain standing till teacher directs them to sit.
5. Students shall not misbehave and disturb the work of the class or of any other class.
6. No student shall leave the classroom, without the permission of the teacher or until the class is dismissed.
7.Students are not allowed to stand in the verandahs or corridors of the College during class hours. Students having no classes during the working hours shall go to the Library.
8. No students shall smoke within the college premises.
9. Students are forbidden to mishandling or damaging college property.
10. Circulation of notice of any kind among students, use of megaphones, mobilephones, loudspeakers etc, and putting up of posters in the college premises, without the written permission of the Principal are strictly prohibited.
11. Students are strictly forbidden in making complaints or representations in a body, in addressing any authority collectively.
12. No meeting of any kind shall be held in the college without the written permission of the Principal.
13. Irregular attendance, insubordination to teachers, habitual abstaining from class work, obscenity in word or act are sufficient reasons for minor offences is a fine.
14. The use of mobile phone in the campus by the student is prohibited as per Government order.
15. Malpractice in test paper and examination will render a student liable to serve punishment which might amount to refusal of promotion to the next class or expulsion from the college.
16. The use of mobile phone in the campus by the student is prohibited as per Government Order.
17. The Principal is empowered to fine or suspend or dismiss a student on the gravity of the offence. Every offender will be given a chance to explain his/her conduct before punishment is I given. However, a student may be sent out of the class at the discretion of the teacher concerned prior to further disciplinary action.
18. Students who are found persistently misbehaving in the College will run the risk of getting their fee and other concessions cancelled.
19. Students of B.Com HM should be groomed and wear proper uniform compulsory.
20. No student or office bearer of any association shall give any matter regarding the activities of the College to the Press without the prior permission of the Principal.
21. No office bearer of any association shall mediate between the Principal and the Students in matters concerning discipline.